You charge your cell, why not charge your body?

Really, think of an energy healing like charging your cell. I’ll be your cord and plug You into the outlet, connecting with the grid of greater Energy that’s always available to each of us for health and prosperity. The influx of new Energy clears, charges and balances your energy field, stimulating the body’s natural healing capabilities.

So, Energy, is whaaaaat?

Depends on your beliefs/culture. Some call it Qi, others Prana, Mana, Nyama or Spirit. It’s consciousness, the force that sustains all of life, omnipresent intelligence. It’s the E in E = mc2

Just like our cells, we get drained!

Whether it’s toddlers tugging on our sleeves, demanding bosses or overactive thoughts, there’s so much stuff in our every day lives that expends our Energy. When we expend more Energy then we receive, our Field can become unbalanced, depleted and susceptible to blocks. We may recognize the times when we feel “off” as: agitated, hard to unwind, tight muscles,  defensive, thinking a million thoughts a second or in contrast feeling foggy, sluggish, confused, lost, spacey and victimized by Life. When our fields are unbalanced, we’re more susceptible to accidents, disease and depression. Life feels like it’s not working. Whhhyyyyyy me???? we cry (cue saddest song ever).

Obvs, shit happens whether our fields are balanced or not. BUT when we have enough Energy, we can respond to life’s challenges instead of react in defense. We are more present, flowing with Life, navigating with greater ease. It’s all no biggie, ’cause we have an umbrella for the shit storm. We may even start to thank the shit and bless it as the Holy Fertilizer of Growth!

You’re not alone or forgotten by Life. There’s a zillion ways that Life wants You to fill up. An energy healing with me is one of the possibilities. If it resonates, let’s charge up your field and bring more of that Juicy Joy Flow into Life.

Full Session

Time: 1hr

Exchange: $120

Purchase: click here or venmo @waterandroses

Locale: In person or on Zoom

To book: email, 2 preferred times + in person/remote.

Mini Session

Time: 20min

Exchange: $45

Purchase: click here or venmo @waterandroses

Always on Zoom

 To book: email w/ 2 preferred times


Before your healing, fill out the question & waiver form. Click here. 

Cancellation Policy: Must cancel at least 24 hours in advance. If less then 24 hours, the full fee will be charged.

Late Policy: Please arrive on time. If late notify Andrea ASAP by txt at +1 -347-835-3852. The missed time will not necessarily be recouped.

You: In person or on Zoom in a comfy, quiet place

Me: asking you questions re: emotional and physical well-being (5-15min)

You: laying down, fully clothed

Me: laying my hands on and around your body, channeling Life Force Energy (45 min)

You: Receive the Energy and your Energy Body ultimately does the healing. Only You are able to heal You!

You + I: Discuss the healing, any messages or further recommendations for your well-being (5-10min)

It’s different for every body! Common possibilities (in person & long distance):

    • tingling or burning sensations
    • euphoria
    • expansiveness
    • absence of thoughts
    • inspired ideas
    • clarity
    • seeing colors with eyes closed
    • parts of the body feeling hot or cold
    • crying
    • memories (past or present life)
    • visions
    • Astral travel
    • sleeping
    • contact with the Other Side- Guides, passed Loved Ones, Angels

*If at any time you are uncomfy or the Energy is too strong please inform me immediately.

Give yourself an hour of downtime to integrate

You will naturally be in a very expansive state. Enjoy yourself!

Don’t rush back to work

Avoid drinking alcohol, stressful situations and conflict for 24- 48 hours. They can cause a forced contraction.

Very energized or very tired? Either can happen. Flow on.

Listen to your inner guidance. What you need to give to yourself?

In 2 days time, your field naturally contracts. This sounds bad, but it’s actually good. Old emotions may pop up that are ready to be released or you may feel more introverted then usual. Don’t push yourself. Be gentle.

Own your healing, your power, your beauty. Only we have the power to heal ourselves- pats on the back!

Ask yourself how can You commit to You

What are your next steps to create the health and vitality You desire?